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mercredi 26 mai 2010

English version 24/05/2010 Transition from Rioja to Cannonau

Since Gibraltar we have crossed the Alboran Sea then the Balearic Sea and now we are heading towards the Tyrrhenian Sea ….

We leave Mahon regretting that we could not stay any longer because this little city definitely is worth more attention.

It is noon and the forecast is a trivial 2 to 3 knots straight into our nose during 24 hours. Lady Mediteranean is like a mirror.

While Jan, as a fine gastronome, us a mediterenean dish prepares, am I scrutinizing the horizon and dreaming a little.

Suddenly...unbelievelably... I see a mola mola (moonfish) at the surface while knocking on the water with his upper swimmer. A few moments later a swordfisch emmerges out of the water. I call everybody on deck while the swordfisch shoots out of the water as a rocket to dive immediately back into the water... he is repeating us thizs spectacle for six times... I am getting goose buds.

After this we see a small fish jumping up immediately attacked by seaguls who attack the poor fishes like real kamikases.

What is going on all around us... all this life is coming so close.. a school of jelly fish sweeps by the boat. Then we see a large turtoise sunbathing in this turquoise and extremely calm see. We approach
her quietly but with slow majestic movements she moves to the deep while we admire her.

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