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vendredi 21 mai 2010

English version – 19/05/2010 – 00h00 Position 36° 34 27 N – 3° 00 00 W

Yesterday we have left the Marina of Benalmadena at 10h30. The wind was on strike and ignored us completely giving a 5 knot from the East, the direction we are heading of course. His honourable successor, Volvo Penta, started his work without protest direction Ibiza at minimum 336 Nautical Miles.

The sea has its typical Marine blue colour matching to perfection the blue sky. The sun is completely in charge and schedules our day.

Time for drinks is already there ;-) so we tried the cocktail « Rombi » which is a recommendation to repeat and it promoted Mrs Goodtower to a 3 star place with sea view, an enormous swimming pool and private terrace of course.

We savour a long time the snow covered peaks of the Sierra Nevada all the way through sunset. Then we admire the thousend and one stars fairy. Each of us at his watch can admire yhe milky way and get his personnel emotions during the show. Jan even got a visit from the dolphins.

As we wake up one after the other, our host prepares a breakfast worthy of three stars. Peter is missing a beat since he is still recuperating from his Fiesta with the Buffalos and wakes up at the cocktail time.

12h45, a dolphin family joins us to play with our boat. We are full in admiration just like kids. Another moment of joy and happiness.

In the afternoon the wind is waking up and all sails are coming out, long hauls are needed.
The siestas are being organized... after this hard labor.

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