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vendredi 21 mai 2010

English version 20/05/2010 – 00h00 – Position 37° 23 44 – 1° 02 00 W

The sunset of last night again is a masterpiece of the greatest paintrers of this world. Immagine this setting sun behind the dark mountains, producing a mirriade of orange coloured flames changing from almost dark red to light yellow at the top. Above this spectacle the colours of the sky are being inversed from light blue to the darkest tones dotted with the first stars. The whole picture is domed by the quarter moon producing enough light to illuminate miles of the wake of Mrs Goodtower. Simply magic.

Jan asked me to swap our Ipods to listen to each-others' music. While we sit confortable in the cockpit we adore together like old friends this magnificient show, as if we know us already for a long long time... in fact it is only three days.

We tack at cape Mazarron, situated at about 20 miles West of Cartagena. The wind increases so we have to reduce the sails. The sea also starts dancing. The night will be hard for the crew who will not be able to find some sleep to recover.

At dawn we arrive at Cape Palos with waves 2 meters deep and the wind still towards our nose.We are continuing our route with motor to get out of this hochepot of a sea.

15h00 – the barometer is raising, the blue lady is becoming quieter and we cruise between 5 and 6 knots at a small 3 Beaufort.

Meals, showers, siestas and reading are the activities of the seamen during the whole afternoon.

19h00 – We are at 64 nM of the straight Freu Grande between the iles Ibiza and Formentera-direction 54° over ground.... we just passed the meridian of Greenwich again, this time direction East.

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